Improvised Shakespeare Company at Garner Galleria Theatre

Improvised Shakespeare Company Tickets

The Garner Galleria Theatre | Denver, Colorado

Improvised Shakespeare Company

If you’re looking for an honest opinion on your dating life, your social media obsession, your weird habits or literally anything under the sun, a comedian will tell you brutally how and why you’re doing something wrong. Comedians have a hilarious form of honest exaggeration that captures our daily thoughts, and they’ll tell it like it is in a way that paid professional therapists just aren’t allowed to do sometimes. Forget sugarcoating, if you have a problem these comedians will call you out on it, and sometimes that’s just what you need, right?

Life long comedy fan? Not a comedy fan, just fancy having your mood lifted and funny bone tickled? Yeah all that...because guess who's swingin' by Sunday 11th February 2024? Thats right Improvised Shakespeare Company on another US wide tour for 2024 and coming to your home town to get you giggling this winter! Playing at the unforgettable The Garner Galleria Theatre, Colorado, said to be the favorite venue in the whole of Denver! Large capacity, ideal for high profile HILARIOUS events like this, a vast range of snacks, spacious and comfy seating AND only a stones throw from all the best bars and restaurants in Denver! Be sure to stick this in the diary for February, it's all critics and mags can seem to talk about, so you'll surely not want to miss out on all the commotion and good vibes! Get your tickets today ,simply click 'get tickets' to secure yours today!

Improvised Shakespeare Company at The Garner Galleria Theatre

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